AUM (or OM) is the Great
Gong Tone of Life
-- Dane Rudhyar OM is the combined resonant
tone of Life Force that fills the Infinite Living Universe. ONG is that tone
impinging on Matter, creating the physical Universe which resonates like a
gong from atom to galaxy. A Gong is a cosmic engine of power and is appropriately
named after the sound that it makes. It is an instrument that releases this
all powerful OM resonance which, although constituting all materiality, is
not limited to finite manifestation. It produces Holistic Tones which have
'fullness' and to which the whole being responds. By playing our body, mind
and emotions as an organic gong, we are lead to the OM power of our Greater
Self. Just as a gong struck repeatedly Gongongongongong....soon produces a
continuous OM. By practicing Gong Yoga we are brought back to the source of
greater health and mental balance, our True Selves.
Sound is the force of creation, the true whole.
Music then, becomes the
voice of the great
cosmic oneness and therefore the optimal way to
reach this final state of healing.
Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927)
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